Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oh so busy.....

I know. It's been such a long time. We are still having internet problems, but I won't bore anyone with the details!
I have been soooo busy working on LOTS of projects. I'm doing a workshop this weekend and I realized that my sample board was in dire need of attention, so I've been a busy beaver AND a real night owl lately! I've also been working on a lot of Halloween decorations because, of course, I can't work on just one thing at a time. But none of you would understand that, right?
( hee, hee)
I'll be occupied with my workshop projects through the weekend and will start posting new projects next week.
I was thinking about making a separate page for recipes and instructions in order to keep my main page from getting too "messy". I know, I know, there's not much there now, but just you wait.
I'm also contemplating trying my hand at making videos. If anyone has any tips on that, please give them to me. I'm especially worried about lighting . I'm having trouble with this when I take my photos also and I would really like to hear how you are lighting your photos as well as what you are using for backgrounds. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
Last, but by no means least, please take a look at the blog candy shown on my sidebar. This is being offered by Nikki Schmaltz on her blog "Nikki Stamps". She is taking donations for her friend Priscilla. Priscilla has been diagnosed with cancer. She and her husband have both lost their jobs and have no insurance and she and her family could really use your help. If you donate at least $5 to Priscilla's fund you will be entered into a drawing for this great blog candy prize. Just link to Nikki's blog above or click on the photo in the side. You will be able to get all the info for placing the donation and entering the contest. There are only a couple of days left so check this out right away.
I hope to hear your great advice soon!
Thanks for visiting!

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